A New Resolution - DDP Yoga

DDP Catcher Postion Day 1I've decided to change my regular post with a new resolution I've taken on, DDP Yoga. I've actually started DDP Yoga's fitness routines a couple times in the past. This time though I was inspired to focus on building habits first. Rather than pushing hard I was going to kick my ego to the curb and just follow the beginner plan. Along with the fitness plan I am following the nutrition plan as well.

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Oatmeal Scrambled Eggs - Cooking with Joy experiment

Now that I've stopped walking through The 4-Hour Chef and started applying the knowledge that I gained from doing the work in the first section of the book, my focus on writing about the journey needs to change. Also, I've got a new focus I will be giving (mostly) weekly updates on - following the DDP Yoga program. So now my cooking with joy posts will be about specific experiments and happy accidents I encounter and sharing the lessons learned. Most, like today's post will be successes but if a failure (though these rarely happen) is bad enough I might write about that as well. This post's happy accident is about Oatmeal Scrambled Eggs.

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Cooking with (and without) Joy - Update #6

It's been a few weeks since my last post and it all started, or rather stopped, with SFIT. As I had guessed, I was beat that Sunday. Even though I did cook a meal, I most definitely did not do it with joy. My lack of joy, and sleep, had me go to bed early and not write my usual article. We find ourselves Almost a month and several meals later. While I will mention the meals from the past, I'll probably rush past them because my memory is a bit fuzzy. Along with weeks off, I also (mostly) finished the first section of the book labeled _the domestic_. Rather than move onto _the wild_, I moved out of The 4-Hour Chef and moved into cooking from a different cookbook this weekend. Time to see if I learned anything useful in the weeks before. However, before we talk about that let's discuss the last 3 recipes I made in the book.

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Cooking with Joy: Update #5

Let's call this week's update bonuses and broiled eel because that is what it seemed like this week. I had a couple bonus recipes I didn't get to last week, which I did this week. I chose 1 of 4 sauces to make with my immersion blender because that was the next lesson in [The 4-Hour Chef][4hrChefBook]. However that wasn't a meal so I went on to the next lesson, broiled eel! Yes, I made eel and I'll let you know how it went when we make our way to the end of the week. But first, the bonuses that I did earlier in the week.

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Resolution 2013:Cooking With Joy - first update

Me with my first 2013 resolution mealMy 2013 New Year's resolution is cooking with joy. This was all brought on when I bought the book "The 4-Hour Chef" by Tim Ferriss. I discuss how the resolution came to be and how it is going in the beginning of 2013. Along the way I give reviews on the recipes I've done to date in the book. Did I succeed? Did I fail? Have I already given up?

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Ignoring file changes with git

Here's a quick little post about one of the most useful tricks you can do with git. Often you have files you are working with in a project that you need to track the file for everyone on the project to have but not save your changes to the file itself. For example, project files in eclipse that change how the project uses the files. To have the file in the index but not save the changes, do the following.

  1. do a
    git add 
  2. do a
    git commit
  3. do a
    git update-index --assume-unchanged [FilePath]

Now the file you have told git that any changes you make to the file, it can ignore. There are a couple more notes you might want to know.

  • To stop ignoring changes to the file you can call git update-index --no-assume-unchanged
  • If someone else changes the file in a merge, even if they change it back, you'll have to tell git to ignore it again.
  • Egit, the eclipse git plugin, has this functionality under the advanced section of the team menu.
  • Rebasing always seems to require me to remind git to ignore changes.

This has been a great help for files at work. Actionscript project files like .actionscriptproperties, .project and a developer config file are important to have tracked but helpful to allow untracked changes.